"We must simply choose to be present with the men and women placed before us..."

- Chaplain Tom McEnroe

The Main Jail Complex is located in downtown San Jose. This facility houses nearly 800 inmates including men housed in maximum security units and men and women in the jail's infirmary and mental health units. Chaplain Tom and volunteers counsel inmates one to one, lead groups and studies and provide religious books and materials. Often times individuals incarcerated at Main Jail are transferred to prison. Many of our volunteer chaplains continue to care for these inmates through letters.

It's not where you are; it is who you are

“S” came into the tiny interview room with sagging shoulders and a vacant look on his face. Instantly, I knew the news was not good. After the officer chained him to the floor and left, he said in a barely audible voice, “guilty on all charges”. I knew this meant life in prison and maybe life without parole.

At a moment like this, every chaplain wonders what I could possibly say that would be of any help. We must simply choose to be present with the men and women placed before us and trust that Christ’s incarnational presence works in and through us to bring hope where there is no hope.

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Stories from Inside Main Jail