Bridging the Gap

Through the relational nature of chaplaincy, our team continues to develop rapport and trust with individuals inside, and we are building a strong network with reentry organizations and resources on the outside. Through these relationships, we are bridging the gap from the inside to the outside. Individuals leaving jail have a plan and the support and connections they need the day they walk out of jail.

From the Inside: CIC faith-based reentry classes and groups are rapidly growing! We also identified that men in the minimum camp are under-resourced for reentry planning, so in partnership with the faith-based reentry center, we launched a weekly open chapel in February 2024. This special chapel session provides access to reentry resources and organizations and personal support and prayer to nearly 700 men.

To the outside: We provide continued care for individuals who have returned to the community through one-to-one mentorship and reentry groups. We are recruiting new volunteer mentors based outside of the jail and working with churches to prepare them to welcome people from the jail into their community. We are also leading a CASU (Custodial Alternative Supervision Unit) group for individuals allowed to finish their sentences outside of jail.

Questions about Chaplain-led Reentry with CIC?

Contact Reentry Chaplain Angel Hernandez